california vintage stained glass

Welcome to


- Est. 1996 -

california vintage stained glass

Here you will find one of a kind, originally designed, hand-crafted stained glass art work. Each piece is special and unique, all forged from glass and metalwork in our studio.

We offer services from large, custom designed window panels to small art pieces, and sun catchers. Our services also include high quality repairs and restoration of vintage and antique pieces.

Browse our shop for gift ideas and home décor, or contact us for an estimate on repairs or commissioned work.

Contact Us

Please use one of the contact methods below or submit a message to Sunrise Glass Studio using the form at the bottom. All inquiries are welcome, whether it is customer support, questions, or custom stained glass commissions. Our messages are checked daily and we will respond to your request within 24 hours. Thank you!

Sunrise Glass Studio

Stephanie Burciaga Kellermann

Phone: (916) 952-8421


Etsy: Sunrise Glass Studio

Please use one of the contact methods on the left panel or submit a message to Sunrise Glass Studio using the form below. All inquiries are welcome, whether it is customer support, questions, or custom stained glass commissions. Our messages are checked daily and we will respond to your request within 24 hours. Thank you!